
Power Milk - Best Animal Feed Supplement for Goat, Sheep, Cow, Buffalo, Poultry, Rabbit

Power Milk is the best feed supplement for Livestock such as cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, poultry, dog, horse, pig, fish, rabbit, and mule. It has got many features that make it unique from other products. It has got the right contents that can be easily absorbed in the guts of animals.

Its got Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12 that helps for the absorption of Calcium and phosphorus and thereby maintains the metabolism of the body. The presence of Ferric ammonium citrate helps for the absorption of Iron in to the intestinal track of animals. Power Milk is 100% soluble, so each drop contains equal mixture of all the ingredients. The dosage level varies for different animals.

You can see results within one or two weeks of the usage of this milk and there are lots of benefits of using Power Milk.

Are We Blowing It With Strategic Land Use Planning? What About Water, Farmland, and Urban Areas?

The other day, I was having an interesting conversation with regards to over population of the human species around the world. For instance, how on Earth is the planet going to be able to feed, provide fresh water, and support 50 Billion people? Some say that we already have too many people on said planet, their evidence is undeniable in some regions of our world, but not everywhere. Okay so, let's talk.

My acquaintance mentioned that it wouldn't be a bad idea to set limits and available farmland as a way to help support and sustain our ever growing populations. Indeed, I once lived in a city that grew quickly, it had top soil 50 feet deep, perfect climate for farming, but since the climate was so great, people wanted to live there and paved over it all. Then humans grow and farm, fruit trees of all things, in places like Florida, little if any decent top soil and hardly any fresh water supplies due to poor reservoir storage.

Pesticides Market Overview on Emerging Countries

Use of pesticides on food crops always remained a topic of debate in global market as it has both positive and negative impact on humans. Pesticides are used for protecting the food crops and oil crops from agricultural pests, insects, and bacterial and fungal growth on crops. Market for pesticides witnessed tremendous growth in recent years with the need for increasing efficiency of crops, and protecting the crops from harmful insects. However, increasing consumption of such food crops is resulting in the health related problems which is the major challenge for growth of this market. Despite of this hurdle, pesticides market is witnessing significant growth in developing countries due to lack of awareness about the ill-effects of use of pesticides and lack of environmental concerns.

Pesticides are the chemicals that eliminate and control the growth of herbs, fungi, insects, and other organisms that can harm the food crops and affect the crop yield per hectare. This market is basically segmented as

Aquaponics As a Great Way to Produce Food

It has always been a challenge to develop sustainable food sources in order to meet the needs of a growing population. Fresh water is not readily available in urban areas and so is land and other resources needed to produce food. One solution to this problem is aquaponics and especially in its scaled down form, which can be practiced in one's backyard.

Aquaponics is a technology that combines the cultivation of fish, which is known as aquaculture with the water-based cultivation of plants, which is referred to as hydroponics. It allows the efficient production of fish and vegetables since its basis is the symbiotic, a relationship between plants and fish. Aquaponics allows people to raise plants and fish together in natural balance. When the two are combined, they equal out their negative aspects.

How aquaponics works?

How Aquaponics Works - 5 Areas To Concentrate On Before Setting Up Your System

This article will show why the study of aquaponics is really starting to take off at the moment and with the advent of books, e-Books and online tutorials, there has never been a better time to get into this topic of sustainable organic food production. It will not only save you money on your household grocery bills, but it will also give you a feel good factor. Afterall, you are doing something which is environmentally friendly and has been proven to lessen the impact of overpopulation and the need for further land clearance.

Lets quickly take a look at how aquaponics works, then we can get into the details. The system set up allows you to produce organically reared fish and vegetables which mutually benefit each other. Fish are kept in tanks and fed organic fish food. Their waste is broken down by special bacterial organisms and the resultant nitrates from the nitrification process is fed to the plants as a nutrient feed. This process of breaking down and removing the fish waste, protects the fish from toxic poisoning and allows them to live in cleansed water. The plants get free food from the nitrification process and produce the organic fruits and vegetables for your table. The fish can be seen as a bonus in this system and you have the option to rear edible or decorative species.